Hints: Player 2

[spoiler title=’First Room – Prison’ style=’Steelblue’]
1. Find and grab the LOCKPICK


2a. Once Player 1 has left the cell, he or she can provide clues to open the DOOR.


2b. The indications provided by Player 1 works for OPENING the DOOR, but you need to exit the cell -not to enter-. So, you need to replicate the mirror image of these indications.


[spoiler2 title=’2c. SOLUTION’ style=’Steelblue’] D,W,A,S,D,A,W,D,S,A,W,D,S,A.[/spoiler2][/spoiler]

[spoiler title=’Second Room’ style=’Steelblue’]
1a. Player 2 can by its own means open the PADLOCK.


1b. The illustration that can be seen behind the closed door, a DEVIL backwards, is the reference for the key to the PADLOCK.


[spoiler2 title=’1c. SOLUTION’ style=’Steelblue’]The devil implies the number 666, but being upside down it turns, being the key to the PADLOCK 999[/spoiler2]



2a. Inside the room there are 4 TOTEMS. They must be located according to a criterion in the 4 stone PEDESTALS.


2b. The location criteria for TOTEMS is provided by Player 1. Once the COFFINS are open, you will find POEMS that make direct reference to each TOTEM.


2c. In turn, the spatial arrangement of the COFFINS and the PEDESTALS is the same: they form a square. It only remains to locate the TOTEMS where appropriatea.

[spoiler title=’Third Room’ style=’Steelblue’]
1a. The drawing on the PLATE must be moved with the mouse cursor.


1b. The correct drawing pattern is provided by Player 1.



2a. In the ALTAR, a particular drawing is appreciated. Blood sacrifice.


2b. Pick up the DAGGER found on the floor.


2c. Make the sacrifice, using the DAGGER on the ALTAR.



3a. The phrase in the BOOK can be decoded from the RUNES scattered throughout the dungeon.


3b. Only the first letter of each RUNE matters.


[spoiler2 title=’3c. SOLUTION’ style=’Steelblue’] your offering means nothing to me escape while you can[/spoiler2][/spoiler]